
WhatsApp Syria? Taking diaspora engagement to the digital level

28 September 2022

How the Syrian umbrella organization SCAN UK coordinates humanitarian response.

Making use of digital resources amplifies and brings visibility to diaspora organizations’ work. Social media, for instance, is a powerful tool to convey lived experiences. They are often used to respond quickly in crises to assess needs, raise funds, and mobilize resources, as well as for remote knowledge exchange (e.g. telemedicine), volunteering, mentoring, and coaching. 

Digital tools are easily accessible to diaspora and bring a new way of information exchange and reporting, directly from receivers to donors in the communities. Especially for younger generations, digital engagement is a preferred means of providing assistance since it is more easily combined with their daily life in countries of residence.

This is how it all began 

SCAN UK or Syrian Charities & Associations Network in the UK was established in 2015 by a group of Syrian organizations, as a network of sixteen Syrian NGOs, charities, civil society organizations, associations and organized regional groups based in the UK. Their aim was to serve as an umbrella under which Syrian registered charities and NGOs in the UK can work together towards ensuring that members of the Syrian community within the UK lead safe, productive, and well integrated lives.

Let's go digital!

SCAN UK acts as a mutual communication and collaboration link between its members and the wider community. SCAN aims to provide a platform for its members and share information about the integration,
advocacy and coordination of humanitarian activities.

For that goal, the use of digital tools is mandatory. The main tools used by SCAN UK and its members for communication is WhatsApp. The organization establishes group chats for specific purposes where information can be shared, and questions asked. For example, when setting up a community-lead campaign or when sharing good practices on how to set up activities to assist populations in Syria to prepare for winter.

Even with little capacities, digital tools allow cheap and effective information-sharing.

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SCAN UK also has its own WhatsApp group exclusively for its members. Two representatives of each member are allowed to participate in the chat. The group allows the members to ask questions and for the staff of SCAN-UK to share the responses to inform the activities of the members. SCAN UK also participates in WhatsApp group chats of other organizations, like from the Syria Civil Society Networks Platform, and then forwards relevant information on to its members.

Being more effective and efficient in coordinating humanitarian response

Facebook and Telegram are also used to share information and connect members and stakeholders. Telegram was deemed a more appropriate tool when making direct calls, whereas Facebook had certain advantages when conducting webinars, sharing updates and keeping contact with the communities.

Facebook groups have also more flexibility in the number of members. Direct communication tools are perceived to be more efficient and effective than email exchange. A large part of the activities of the organization run through these digital tools. In addition to group chats, private instant messaging is used to share direct information.

The ability to have good awareness-raising is more than Facebook alone. We need to translate our messages in English and Arabic. We meet with the teams bi-weekly and have daily exchanges and updates through WhatsApp. Any local partner who wants to work with us must exert transparency.

Facing the digital divide

SCAN UK experienced challenges in reaching certain audiences and underwent a clear learning process. For example, in an attempt to reach out to young members of diaspora, SCAN UK was initially unsuccessful because it was not using the most appropriate digital tool. On the other hand, older diaspora members are used to certain practices and are more reluctant to change tools and approaches.

Lessons learned

How can you as a diaspora organization use digital tools both to be effective but also inclusive?

  1. First, it is important to have a clear purpose in mind for each chat group created to inform participation.
  2. Next, digital communication tools require clear rules and agreement. For example, sometimes it is appropriate to have only one person with posting rights. Although in general, most members respect those rules and do not use the chats to overload the members with information, it is sometimes necessary to remove people from a chat. Members must be reminded about the purpose of the chat and strict management is needed to continue to ensure the effectiveness of the tools.
  3. Finally, a combination of tools is advisable building on their advantages and disadvantages in function of the purpose and the practices of the target audience. In sum, diaspora organizations have become reliant on digital tools to implement their activities.


Photo Credit: Alok Sharma & Ahmed Akacha on Pexels

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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