
Stepping Up Amidst Crisis: Syrian Diaspora's Earthquake Response

DEMAC launches a New Report on "Diaspora Humanitarian Engagement in Northwest Syria".


A Decade of Displacement and a New Blow: Earthquakes Intensify Syria's Struggle

More than a decade ago, the Syrian crisis unfolded, uprooting millions from their homes. Presently, precarious living conditions grip those residing in non-government controlled areas, particularly Idleb and Aleppo governorates. This ongoing crisis took an even more devastating turn on February 6, 2023, as two powerful earthquakes struck southern Türkiye, near Syria's northern border. The aftermath of these quakes exacerbated the already dire humanitarian situation with the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) in North-west Syria (NWS) surpassing 100,000, with millions more affected.


A Real-Time Study from February to July 2023: Understanding Syrian Diaspora's Response

To comprehend the Syrian diaspora organizations' interventions, its impacts and challenges following the earthquakes, DEMAC commissioned a Real-Time Review from February to July 2023. This mixed methods approach involved analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from sources like social media, interviews, and literature reviews. The voices of 27 individuals, representing various diaspora organizations, coordination networks, local authorities, and local actors, were integrated into the research. These stakeholders also included volunteer groups, search and rescue teams, women's centres, and youth teams. In total, 97 Syrian diaspora organizations were mapped and assessed.


See below the response locations of diaspora organizations in north-west Syria

Read the Full Report in English HERE


Response Locations of Diaspora Organizations in north-west Syria

Key findings: United Efforts - Syrian Diaspora Organizations in the Response

Diverse Roles: Syrian Diaspora's Multifaceted Fundraising

Both global and cross-border Syrian diaspora organizations played pivotal roles in the earthquake response. While the exact magnitude of funds raised remains uncertain, research indicates that significant sums were gathered by Syrian diaspora, both globally and cross-border. This included a mix of fundraising initiatives conducted by global diaspora organizations and networks, while cross-border organizations secured larger amounts by accessing donor funding. Data collected on earthquake funds raised from six interviewed DOs alone approximately amounted to a total of 51.5 million USD, indicating that the actual funds raised are likely to be significantly higher than this.


Global Syrian Diaspora's Swift Action and Cross-Border Collaboration with Local Partners

One of the notable aspects was the swift reaction by global Syrian diaspora organizations in the earthquake's immediate aftermath. Their ability to respond quickly was due to their teams residing outside the affected areas, ensuring their capacity to act promptly. Furthermore, the importance of collaborating and coordinating with local actors in the affected regions was highlighted. This approach allowed them to leverage local knowledge and extend assistance to populations beyond media coverage's reach, addressing specific needs and challenges arising from the earthquake.

Some Turkish friends were directing us - they had quicker access to the donations (clothes, food) and they contacted and linked us to trusted NGOs on the ground. We coordinated with them through our network and WhatsApp.

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Challenges Faced: A Test of Resilience

However, cross-border Syrian diaspora organizations confronted challenges during the earthquake response. Limited equipment hindered crucial tasks, while ensuring the safety of humanitarian workers was an ongoing concern.

Global diaspora organizations faced difficulties in securing funding from international donors and INGOs. Obtaining accurate information from North-west Syria was also complicated due to rapidly shifting needs, limited access, and communication barriers.

The biggest challenge was the loss of staff. Even some of our staff were injured or had their members injured. They had to be displaced as some of them were based in Antakya, which was the most affected city.

From Crisis to Action: The Syrian Diaspora Story

It's crucial to remember that Syrian migrants form one of the largest diaspora communities globally, a consequence of the country's prolonged conflict. The past 12 years of a complex humanitarian crisis, displacement, and adversity have left a staggering 14.6 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in 2022, a marked increase from the previous year (UNOCHA, 2022).

In the midst of these challenges, the Syrian diaspora has exhibited strength, unity, and resilience, coming together to make a difference amidst the waves of crisis and displacement.


DEMAC would like to thank the H2H Network for making this research possible.


Photo Credit: Stefanie Glinski

Case-Study Bahar Organization: Immediate Multi-Sectoral Cross-Border Response to Syria and Türkiye

Bahar Organization is established 2014 and is officially registered as a Syrian NGO in Türkiye. Their mission is to work towards enhancing the resilience and wellbeing of communities by providing a principled and rights-based humanitarian response. Bahar organization provides comprehensive assistance to the affected regions in NWS, spanning across multiple sectors, such as WASH, Health, Nutrition, NFI, Food Security. Notably, Bahar organization’s response went beyond the borders of Syria, as they extended their humanitarian aid to populations in Türkiye. In total they reached more than 345,000 people of concern. Recognizing the shared impact of the earthquake and the interconnectedness of the affected regions, they effectively mobilized their resources and assistance to respond to the needs of both Syrian and Turkish populations. This inclusive approach aimed to ensure that no one was left behind and that assistance was provided where it was most needed.

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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