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Online Course: Introduction to Remote Management in Humanitarian Action

Until 2019, remote management or distance leadership was mainly used in countries with fragile contexts and in projects involving multiple countries and continents. With the pandemic in 2020, remote management in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian action became more common. Today we can draw back on a wide range of methods and approaches for remote activities and choose the most appropriate approaches for management, monitoring and evaluation for each specific context. The training will prepare you to determine whether a remote approach is useful or even necessary in your field of work and to develop adapted approaches for your management. The training will include the presentation of case studies, as well as group work and peer-coaching.

You will learn:

- how to develop criteria to help you assess whether a remote approach is the right one

- which experiences the other participants have made with remote management

- which tools for remote management exist

- how to develop approaches for remote management adapted to your specific work context

More about the course here


Photo credit: Annie Spratt/Unsplash

Event Date
Registration Deadline
Event Type
Academy for Humanitarian Action

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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