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Transnational Ties - Harnessing the Potential of Diaspora Communities in Peace Processes

Diaspora communities can play multiple roles in their country of residence as well as their country of origin. In conflict situations, activities of diaspora groups and organisations can varyingly contribute towards peace-building processes or perpetuate conflict.

Research on diasporas has long shown that diaspora organisations are not only active in their countries of residence. In conflict situations diasporas hold the power to contribute to peace processes, but also to foment conflict. Many organisations use their social position and transnational networks to exert influence in their countries of origin. As agents of peace, they engage in mediation, offer support in reconstruction and participate in transitional justice or truth commissions. Large sections of the Sudanese diaspora are a driving force in peace efforts, as are many groups in the Somali, Colombian, Syrian and Afghan diasporas. These examples demonstrate the potential a more targeted support for diaspora communities and groups might unfold.

At this year's Berlin Summer Dialogue, we will examine how diaspora organisations influence peace processes and identify concrete actions that German development cooperation should take to strengthen the impact of diaspora engagement for peace. We will also discuss possible challenges that hamper close cooperation, e.g. regarding the selection of partner organisations, and explore how diaspora organisations can further German development approaches.

Time: 18 September 2024, 16:30-20:00 CET

Location: Berlin Global Village (Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin, Germany)


Photo: Frazao Studio Latino/istock

Event Date
Berlin, Germany
Registration Deadline
Event Type
Development and Peace Foundation (sef:)
Development and Peace Foundation (sef:)

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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