Call for Proposals: Support Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Skills Development in Africa
Unlocking the employment potential of the Global Gateway: Linking skills development to EU investments and value chain developments in Sub-Saharan Africa
Investments in Africa are essential to help create the much needed decent jobs for Africans. This is at the core of the EU Global Gateway Investment Package for Africa. However, investors may be held back when available skills do not match their quantitative and qualitative needs, including in value chains related to the primary investment. This calls for a paradigm shift in the VET system, in close collaboration with the private sector, to reverse engineer the training offer to the job opportunities these investments bring.
This call provides funding for VET projects that follow an opportunity-driven approach, responding to concrete employment opportunities arising from EU investments, trade, (regional) value chain developments and other market dynamics in specific Global Gateway priority areas.
Eligible are applications from either a consortium or an individual organisation that partners with other stakeholders, such as local stakeholders from the private sector and VET institutions: Private sector networks (business organisations / associations), private sector companies, foundations, governmental organisations, civil society organisations, public & private VET providers, regional and international organisations.
Funded projects will be implemented during a timeframe of up to 24 months.
Several info sessions for applicants are planned during September 2024, click here to find out the time and learn more