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Globalt Fokus - Claim Your Space

Rapid Response Mechanism for Civil Society and Human Rights Defenders at Risk

Claim Your Space is a rapid response mechanism available through Globalt Fokus. The purpose of Claim Your Space is to provide rapid financial support to civil society and human rights defenders at risk. The mechanism is a response to the global shrinking of civic space; freedoms of expression, gathering and association.

Provision of CYS emergency assistance will be available to individuals, organisations, movements, and groups active in Sub-Saharan African countries, Palestine, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. CYS is unique in its capacity to provide both rapid emergency support and support for establishing proactive and sustainable responses to shrinking civic space. 

Here you can download a letter about the fund you can send to relevant partners.

Application Criteria:

CYS criteria for application vary between the two tracks of the CYS mechanism. Overall it applies to both tracks that applicants:

  • Can be any civil society actor (organisation, movement, group of activists) who has either been:
    • Collaborating with a Danish Civil Society Organisation.
    • Funded by a Danish embassy.

  • Must have experienced restrictions such as threats, attacks, extra bureaucratic hurdles, legal barriers, defamation, harassment, stigmatisation, discrimination, exclusion, marginalisation, displacement etc. due to their work.

  • Must be active within the geographical scope of CYS (Sub-Saharan African countries, Palestine, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar).

  • Must be able to state the amount needed from CYS as well as the timeframe for the planned activities.

How To Apply

  • You can apply for the two CYS tracks through the designated links for secure online application below. The online CYS application form is encrypted to avoid any surveillance or threats of repercussions to applicants.

  • Applications can be submitted in written form, by video or audio. If you do not apply through our online application form you can send your application to Fund Advisor Kristian Kopp at cys@globaltfokus.dk

  • Applications can be submitted in any language. Applications in UN recognised languages are preferred.

  • Make sure you have read the criteria for application thoroughly to ensure that you qualify for the funding and have provided the sufficient information needed in order to receive the grant that you are applying for (note that application criteria differ for the two tracks). This is to ensure our ability to respond to your application quickly.

  • After applying you will be contacted by a Global Focus staff member. Please make sure that the method of contact that you provide through your application is secure, so that you feel comfortable with us reaching out to you through this channel.

    For further information on secure communication see: Keep your online communication private and Communicating with Others.

Claim Your Space has a ongoing deadline and applications are processed as they are received.

For more information and to apply you can visit the website.

Project Duration
25 Jan 2024 - 14 Dec 2024
Application Deadline
14 Dec 2024, 12:00 PM
Project Location
Myanmar, Palestinian Territories, Afghanistan, Bangladesh
Globalt Fokus - Claim Your Space
Emergency Assistance - Claim Your Space

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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