Global Somali Diaspora

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Global Somali Diaspora (GSD) is a global non-profit organization working to bring together and mobilize members of the Somali Diaspora for positive action. GSD advocates and promotes the full integration of Somali Diaspora communities within their host nations while also remaining connected to their cultural heritage. GSD encourages the members of Somalia’s international community to contribute to their homeland by promoting peacebuilding, reconciliation, reconstruction, and development efforts in Somalia.

Headquarters Location

Areas of Intervention

Headquarters Location
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Areas of Intervention

Mogadishu, Banaadir, Somalia

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Type of Organization
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DO (registered organization)
Social Media

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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