Paani project

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Paani Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that works with community partners and institutions in the United States and Pakistan to drive sustainable, evidence-based interventions that primarily focus on alleviating clean water inaccessibility, advocating for gender equity, and addressing a variety of pressing health disparities. Their mission is to not only provide temporary relief where we can, but to work toward building permanent solutions against the most complex problems that countries like Pakistan are facing. The main focus areas are clean water, health, education and sanitation. Paani Project builds water systems based on the needs of the community and runs projects to prevent water-contamination through waste management. Besides, it provides aid for local clinics through donated medical supplies and fosters preventative knowledge to make safe sanitation decision through education projects.

Headquarters Location

Areas of Intervention

Headquarters Location
Michigan, United States
Areas of Intervention

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

sector iconsector iconsector iconsector icon
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Shelter & NFI (Non-Food Items)
Type of Organization
type of organization icon
DO (registered organization)
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