
Diaspora emergency response to the Ukraine crisis

Since the escalating conflict in Ukraine on February 24, we have been gathering information from Ukrainian diaspora organizations and their way of responding to this humanitarian emergency. 

Here, we are aiming to support Ukrainian diaspora organizations in coordinating their response among themselves, as well as improving coordination with institutional humanitarian actors. The Humanitarian Response Map below displays current interventions by several diaspora groups. It will be updated on an ongoing basis. Only publicly available information has been used and no sensitive data will be published. Diaspora organizations also find several resources to support their planning and programming of activities. Contact details to a range of Ukrainian diaspora networks worldwide can be accessed in our member section below. 


Evacuation procedure from Ukraine: The regular rules for border crossing out of Ukraine apply again. Due to general procedure all Ukrainians crossing the border need to have international biometric passports (blue ones). There could be exemptions for people going from occupied regions or under severe shelling, but they will be reviewed directly at the border on a case by case basis. 

Declaration of humanitarian goods at customs: The need to recognize goods as humanitarian aid and to receive the relevant decision of specially authorized state bodies (ODA / OVA) was abolished. Goods are now recognized as humanitarian aid on a declarative basis. The respective declaration by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has been issued on March 7, 2022 and can be downloaded below in the Resource section. The decree itself can be found here

Diaspora Organizations Humanitarian Response Map (Spring 2024)


Diaspora interventions filtered by sectors (previous mapping)


Diaspora Organizations' Areas of Intervention


Food Security

Emergency Shelter


Diaspora Organizations involved in the response

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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