Making Ukrainians safe again: Clearing Ukraine, the world's most mined country

10 November 2023


More than 18 months into the war, Ukraine is littered with landmines, weapons and parts of weapons causing an ongoing risk to life and limb. It is now considered as the most heavily mined country on earth.

Clearing and disposing the dangerous leftovers from the combat zone is therefore priority number one for the Ukrainian forces. But they can't do it all alone. 

Digital trainings on safe behavior around mines

Due to the widespread contamination with Explosive Ordnance (unexploded mines or weapons) across Ukraine, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) in Ukraine started to provide online sessions on Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE).

Since February 2022, those digital trainings have reached over 170,000 people in Ukraine.

Open invitation to digital trainings: Tailored to children and adults

DRC provides online sessions on Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE). The one-hour-long webinars focus on raising awareness of the dangers of mines and other weapons as well as the basic rules of safe behavior around them. There are sessions for three different age groups: children from six to 11 years old, adolescent from 12 to 17 years old, as well as for adults above 18 years of age.

To register for a session, see instructions below:

  • Access to internet as well as computer and/or smart phone are required for the session
    A maximum of 15 participants per webinar
  • Because DRC is a humanitarian, neutral, and impartial organization, the learning sessions will be conducted in either Ukrainian or Russian language
  • Each person has to register individually, no collective registration possible!

Relevant for Ukrainians inside and outside the country

This webinar is for everybody who still resides in and outside Ukraine. Even if you are not currently in Ukraine, but were forced to leave the country, you can participate in this course at any time. The information will also be useful for you, who intends to return to Ukraine and/or have family still living in the country. 

Digital trainings are available in Ukrainian via the below links:

If you are interested to attend the online sessions conducted by DRC specialists, please register here.

Photo Credit: DRC Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine
Danish Refugee Council
Danish Refugee Council

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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